By now, you should know how lucrative Facebook marketing is, in terms of the amount of income you can potentially generate for your business from this one single social networking site. There's no denying the fact that, Facebook is definitely one of the most effective platforms on which you can conduct businesses and reach out even more to prospective customers (determining your ideal client, Entreprenuer Mag.).
This is one single platform where you have the opportunity to expand your business to reach out to tens of thousands (or even millions) of prospective customers worldwide. What's more, there are many different ways in which you can generate income from Facebook. However, as much as it is easy to generate massive leads from Facebook, you should also be aware of the fact that you have to do it well in order to see any results from your Facebook marketing efforts. In this article, you will discover some bad mistakes in Facebook marketing that you must avoid at all cost if you want to be able to generate those huge paychecks from your Facebook marketing efforts. Do Not Spam Your Prospective Customers Spamming is illegal in most countries, including the United States. Even if it is not, it is something that is frowned upon by people. Therefore, you must be mindful of not spamming your prospective customers' wall with your marketing messages. Doing so will anger them and remove you from their friends' list. Do Not Just Concentrate On Solely Selling If all you do is to sell, people will probably not listen to you. Especially when you are new to Facebook marketing, and just starting to connect with prospective customers, you should focus on building rapport and trust with them first, before you even try to sell them anything. What you can do is to provide them with useful tips and information in the niche market that you are in, along with extending your helping hand by helping them in whichever areas they need help in. It is only after you have gained their trust and respect (that you are someone whom they can listen to), only should you start to sell them products and services. Do Not Be Too "Pushy" With Your Marketing Efforts Always remember, people go to Facebook to stay connected with their friends, family members, and other individuals who have the same hobbies and interests as them. They do not go to Facebook and make purchases. Therefore, you have to be mindful whenever you are trying to market to your prospective customers. You must not be too "pushy" with your marketing efforts. Mixing Personal & Business Profiles What you should not do is to mix both personal and business profiles together. Rather, what you should do is to have one account solely for personal use only, and another account solely for business use only. The reason is this, having personal stuff (such as updates on the games you play on Facebook) on your business profile will lead to your prospective customers deeming that you are not professional enough. And at the same time, posting business stuff on your profile will do nothing to boost your business. Avoiding the mistakes above will go a long way in helping you achieve success through Facebook marketing. Read, digest and put into practice what you’ve learned.
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R.D. Meyers