Using different ways to promote your business using Facebook is an excellent strategy for generating targeted traffic to your business or website. When promoting your business using Facebook it's a good idea to concentrate on just a couple of methods to start with. Once you begin to see results, and your confidence grows,you can move on to more challenging and in-depth methods. Listed below are 3 ideas you can implement today,and start to promote your business using Facebook.
1. Using Your Facebook Fan Page To Send Out Information. A benefit of having a Facebook fan page is that you can send out information to your fans easily. If you have previously used the option to locate friends using your email list from your autoresponder and have got them to become a fan, then you should now have a broad base of fans to contact. You can make use of this situation by sending them information about your business,such as dates of sales,coupons, and upcoming product launch information. 2. Using Your Facebook Fan Page To Request Information And Pictures. In addition to sending out information from your fan page, you can also use it to gather information from your fans. In particular there are three things that you should try to recover from your fans: i. Survey data about your business.If you can get your fans to fill out surveys about your products (perhaps by offering some incentives), you have a good chance of capturing vital information that you can use to create,market and fix your products. ii. Photos, or art related to your business. In many cases this simply isn't applicable, but in others it is; and can be one of your greatest assets. If you can get your fans to post pictures of themselves using your products, this can be a very useful way to draw in additional people on Facebook. iii. Testimonials.Regardless of what business you are in or what product you are promoting, testimonials can play a vital role in improving your credibility. For this reason, you should make a concerted effort to get testimonials from your customers through Facebook. 3. Using Event Invitations On Facebook. There are many ways you can support a product launch through the use of Facebook; however I personally recommend that you do so by creating an event. You can then promote the event by inviting all of your business "fans" to participate in the event (i.e. your product launch). It is imprtant that you spell out exactly what it means to participate in the launch event. For instance, you might explain that on the launch date, you are going to hold a variety of contests and award prizes, ranging from cash awards to coupons for products. Additionally, it's important to explain to fans that they must confirm that they are attending the event in order to be eligible to receive prizes in the contests. This will create a buzz around your event; and possibly encourage new people to become friends. Follow the above methods and begin applying them into your business, and start seeing results from promotion through Facebook.Request your Free and very comprehensive report today on the use of social media in business. Visit this special web page Ian Gibbins is a successful Internet Marketer,specialising in the use of social media to promote business. Article Source: Article Source:
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R.D. Meyers